Song of Eternal Sorrow

On a cold spring morning
behind the hibiscus curtain,
she rose from the flower-strewn pool,
with the warm spring water running down
her cream-smooth languorous body,
supported by attendants.

The cloud of her hair,
the blush of her cheek,
and the gold sparkling from her crown
so captured the imperial attention that
the nights of spring became short
and the sun rose too soon for the Emperor.

Painting 2 by Yao Yuxin of Bai Chi-yi’s Song of Eternal Sorrow. The exquisite lines describing Miss Yang getting up from her bath are almost impossible to translate into English without losing much of the rich, suggestive flavour.

Note: When I have the time, I will post the rest of the eight paintings of this series.

Back to Painting 1, Song of Eternal Sorrow

Other paintings by Yao Youxin:
Hauling bananas to market  |  Sari beauty  |  Guanyin Bodhisattva

